
Update Regarding Project Regeneration Volume 1

By AKANTRO Collaborator

Update Regarding Project Regeneration Volume 1
Project Regeneration (Volume 1) is the record that we have been promising for some time now. It is set for release on May 29, 2020. It is a full length album, containing 12 new tracks, most of which will feature lead vocals by Wayne Static.

Under normal circumstances, the next album would have simply had its own title and there would be no confusion. However, due to the fact this large collection of songs are the final works featuring Wayne, we wanted to release them under the same title.

Volume 2 is still in the process of being recorded and does not yet have a release date.

You will be able to pre order Volume 2 in the future, but please also understand that you are under NO obligation to purchase Volume 2. It is a totally separate release. We will share song clips and teasers for Volume 2 at the appropriate time. There are no additional changes to the existing pre-order.

Again, we appreciate everyone’s involvement and excitement around this very unique and special chapter of Static-X.

Below are some quotes from the band about how all of this transpired.

“We have been working on a lot of material over the last year and a half and while selecting the songs to move into the final mix phase, it became clear that there is just too much material and too little time for this to be a single album.” Says drummer Ken Jay.

“The last thing that we wanted to do was make the fans wait any longer.” Adds Tony Campos. “We also didn’t want to abandon the remaining material, because it is very close to being complete and we know that the fans are going to want to be able to hear and experience all of it. We also recognize that all of this music is part of the same body of work, which marks this very important chapter of STATIC-X, so it is only logical to release all of the music under the same banner, PROJECT REGENERATION.”

In total, PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 & 2 will consist of more than 20 brand new / unreleased Static-X songs and will feature all of the remaining works left behind by Wayne Static, along with the original Wisconsin Death Trip band lineup. The individual albums are expected to contain creative packaging elements that will allow fans to marry the 2 volumes together.

“Right now we are finalizing the mixes for the first batch of songs, which will appear on Volume 1, while we continue to finish up the tracking for the rest of the music, which will appear on Volume 2. Volume 1 will be released at the end of May and the goal is to release Volume 2 as soon as possible.” says Ken Jay.

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One on One Interview with Xer0

By AKANTRO Collaborator

One on One Interview with Xer0

How did you come to become part of Static-X? What kind of background did you have before as a listener and/or fan?

I’ve considered Wayne, Tony, Koichi, & Ken my friends for the better part of 20 years. We came up in the scene together and we toured together a great deal in the past. I’ve always loved the band and their sound.. The music that those 4 guys made together is undeniable and I have personally missed seeing and hearing them play together, just as much as the next person.

What has being part of the band and singing these songs been like for you?

It’s been an incredible experience. My heart has been very heavy throughout this process because there is so much love for this band and so many people miss Wayne. This is very personal for me and I have taken on a tremendous amount of responsibility, which also comes with allot of pressure. It’s all good though, I haven’t interpreted any of the pressure in a negative way. I have just followed my heart and have given my best efforts to the cause.. Again, I love the band, the songs and the energy, so performing with Static-X has been allot of fun for me. At the same time, it has also been very challenging, because I had to learn how to do certain things with my voice that I had never done before. Wayne has a very unique vocal style and in order for me to represent Static-X properly, I had to really deep dive into those nuances and get out of my own comfort zone.

How have you found fan/crowd reaction to be to having a new guy out front?

Honestly, it has been remarkably smooth. I believe that the fans really appreciated the fact that our intention was to represent Wayne on this 20th Anniversary tour, rather than attempting to replace him. I felt nothing but love from the fans each and every night. It is difficult for me to put into words, because technically, I am front and center, but somehow we were able to make it so that the focus wasn’t really on me. The focus remains on Static-X and on Wayne, Tony, Ken, and Koichi.

You ever hear that old joke about being a janitor? Do your job well and nobody notices, but screw up and shit gets everywhere.. Well, that kind of defines my role performing in Static-X.

What kind of plans/hopes do you have for making new music with Static-X?

I’ve been deeply involved in the recording and production of the new Static-X album. I feel a great deal of responsibility to Wayne and to his family, along with the members of Static-X and the fans to help complete Waynes final works. The entire time that I’m in the studio, I have the sense that Wayne is looking over my shoulder and I have no plans of letting him down. I am a bit of a perfectionist at heart and I am giving my best efforts to ensure that Waynes last works are properly realized. In addition, Waynes family have been incredibly supportive and expressed so much appreciation to me for all of my efforts. That has only added to my level of love, appreciation, and accountability to this project, which I embrace daily. There is a ton of new music in the works and It’s a very exciting time for Static-X and for the fans who have missed the band over the last several years.

Why the anonymity at the outset of this? When do you plan to reveal your true identity?

For the 20th Anniversary tour, the last thing that I wanted to do was put my own face out there to represent something that I had absolutely nothing to do with creating.

That just wasn’t something I felt comfortable with.

I have my own identity and my own sound, so it was important for me to check all of that at the door when working with Static-X.

The mask was an easy way for me to get lost in the vibe and in the spirit of Static-X and to act as a vessel for delivering the material and to best serve the fans, Wayne, and the band.

I also felt that wearing a mask would allow me to keep the focus on the 4 guys that created the music of Wisconsin Death Trip.

We originally came up with a really simple design that had X’s carved into the eyes, which combined to create a larger X on the forehead. It felt like a cool way to have some Static-X branding built into this new faceless character that I was going to be..

It was really that simple..

Once the mask was complete, I tried spiking up my hair to further capture the Wisconsin Death Trip vibe and that is essentially what broke the internet.. The mask was never intended to be a Wayne Static mask. I’m still not entirely comfortable with people using that terminology, because it isn’t at all what the mask was intended to be. Without my hair spiked up, the mask obviously doesn’t resemble Wayne in the least.. In the end, I totally understand why it is easy for people to draw that conclusion or to identify the mask in that way and truthfully, none of that really even matters. The important thing is that because of this tour, and in large part due to my anonymity, Wayne is currently on the mind and in the hearts of the fans and our community more now than he has ever been. I’m very proud of that. Wayne was my friend and I believe that he would be blown away by the amount of love and respect that has been bestowed upon him through this experience.

There's been a lot of speculation about who you are. What's been the one that's been the most interesting?

There were so many.. Some of them made sense and others were just asinine. Respectfully, If you look and listen, I personally don’t think that it’s all that difficult to determine who is behind the mask, but again, that’s not the point of any of this. The purpose of the mask was to give me the ability to check my own identify at the door, so I could serve the cause to the best of my ability. I wanted it to be very clear that this isn’t about me, this is about Static-X. It’s been a year since we introduced my character to the world and this is the first interview that I have done. At the end of the day, we will decide if and when we are ready to bring more attention to who is actually behind the mask, but for the time being, it remains my desire to keep the focus where I feel that it belongs.

The future of Static-X has yet to be defined, but I’m looking forward to whatever role I may play going forward. Right now, I am just focused on doing my part to complete all of this new Static-X music for my old friend Wayne, his family, and for the fans, while we gear up to play these remaining handful of shows that were booked into 2020.

Quote from Tony Campos about the release of Hollow;

“Today is a very exciting day, as we are finely releasing the first STATIC-X single and video in more than 10 years.” Says Tony Campos. “The band, our producers, and most importantly Wayne's family are incredibly happy with the way that the album is turning out and we know that Wayne is looking down on us all with a big smile."

 Original interview appeared on

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STATIC-X Releases Official Video & First Single "HOLLOW"

By AKANTRO Collaborator

STATIC-X Releases Official Video & First Single "HOLLOW"

Long Awaited, 7th Studio Album, 'PROJECT REGENERATION,' Will Consist of More Than 20 Brand New Tracks, Appearing Over 2 Volumes, to be Released Separately!

February 7, 2020 - STATIC-X has released the first single "HOLLOW," while announcing that their long Awaited, 7th Studio Album PROJECT REGENERATION will consist of more than 20 tracks, which will appear over 2 volumes, to be released separately.

The track was premiered by Jose Mangin on Liquid Metal on Feb 6th, while the official video is premiered on BILLBOARD and the song can be streamed and the album preordered online in this store or via other services HERE.

PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 will feature 12 brand new STATIC-X tracks, containing many of the final vocal performances and musical compositions of Wayne Static, along with the original Wisconsin Death Trip lineup of bassist Tony Campos, drummer Ken Jay, and guitarist Koichi Fukuda.

Both volumes are being mixed by longtime STATIC-X producer Ulrich Wild.

“Today is a very exciting day, as we are finely releasing the first STATIC-X single and video in more than 10 years.” Says Tony Campos. “The band, our producers, and most importantly Wayne's family are incredibly happy with the way that the album is turning out and we know that Wayne is looking down on us all with a big smile, as we begin sharing his final works with the world.”

“We have been working on allot of material over the last year and a half and while selecting the songs to move into the final mix phase, it became clear that there is just too much material and too little time for this to be a single album.” Says drummer Ken Jay.

“The last thing that we wanted to do was make the fans wait any longer.” Adds Tony Campos. “We also didn’t want to abandon the remaining material, because it is very close to being complete and we know that the fans are going to want to be able to hear and experience all of it. We also recognize that all of this music is part of the same body of work, which marks this very important chapter of STATIC-X, so it is only logical to release all of the music under the same banner, PROJECT REGENERATION.”

The vocals for the song HOLLOW were originally recorded in 2005 for the STATIC-X album Start A War, but Wayne and I never felt like the music on the original HOLLOW demo was fully realized”. Tony explains. "That is why it didn’t appear on Start A War or any STATIC-X album that followed. The vocals sounded great, but some of the musical compositions from that time period felt a bit experimental. The band was going through a lot of changes at that time and, in retrospect, it felt like we’d strayed away from that authentic STATIC-X sound that really defined us.”

Ken Jay adds, “When we began working on PROJECT REGENERATION our producers advised us to ignore any of the old demo music, so we opted for the original band to re-enter the studio with nothing more than Wayne's isolated vocal tracks and to just be ourselves, to be STATIC-X, and to make Evil Disco. The vocals sound really great and I think that Wayne would be extremely happy with what we’ve done with the music and to know that these tracks have finally realized their full potential.”

In total, PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 & 2 will consist of more than 20 brand new / unreleased Static-X songs and will feature all of the remaining works left behind by Wayne Static, along with the original Wisconsin Death Trip band lineup. The individual albums are expected to contain creative packaging elements that will allow fans to marry the 2 volumes together.

“Right now we are finalizing the mixes for the first batch of songs, which will appear on Volume 1, while we continue to finish up the tracking for the rest of the music, which will appear on Volume 2. Volume 1 will be released at the end of May and the goal is to release Volume 2 as soon as possible.” says Ken Jay.

STATIC-X is including the names of all fans who pre order PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 in the liner notes of the album art.

The cut-off date for names to appear in the liner notes is March 1, 2020.

“This is a very unique album” adds Koichi Fukuda. "Usually when someone passes away and leaves unfinished material behind, the end result will still sound incomplete. That is not the case with this. We have really taken the necessary steps and committed the time and resources for this to become a legitimate Static-X album.”

2019 was absolutely incredible for STATIC-X. The whole 20th Anniversary touring process was a very unique and healing experience for the band, the fans, and also for Waynes family,” adds Tony. “Wayne's family has been involved with every decision that we have made. They came out to see us on multiple shows last year and having there blessing and support was something that was essential throughout the process. We wouldn’t be doing any of this without their full support and consent.”

“We are so grateful to the fans who have made 2019 such an incredible year for STATIC-X," adds Ken Jay. “We have toured the world and celebrated the life and work of our dear friend Wayne, while playing our platinum selling debut album front to back every night. The fans have really exceeded our expectations and again, we are just so grateful! We can’t wait to share all of this music with you!

It has been more than 20 years since Wisconsin Death Trip was released to the world and we are incredibly honored to be able to say that on May 29th, 2020, Wayne, Tony, Ken and Koichi will once again be releasing another STATIC-X album together.”

The band recently wrapped up a world tour comprised of nearly 100 primarily sold out dates in celebration of the 20th anniversary of their platinum selling debut album Wisconsin Death Trip. The shows also served as a traveling memorial for the bands late front-man Wayne Static who passed away in 2014.

STATIC-X has also announced a limited number of shows for 2020.

Tour Dates:

03/12 @ Brick By Brick - San Diego, CA
03/14 @ Hell & Heaven Fest - Mexico City, Mexico
07/10 @ Machine Shop - Flint, MI
07/11 @ INKcarceration - Mansfield, OH
07/31 @ Wacken Open Air - Wacken, Germany
08/04 @ Durer Kert w/Life of Agony - Budapest, Hungary
08/06 @ Brutal Assault Festival - Josefov, Czech Republic
08/07 @ Schlachthof w/Life of Agony - Wiesbaden, Germany
08/08 @ Alcatraz Festival - Kortrijk, Belgium
08/09 @ Into The Grave - Leeuwarden, Netherlands
08/11 @ Melkweg w/Life of Agony - Amsterdam, Netherlands
08/12 @ Essigfabrik w/Life of Agony - Cologne, Germany
08/13 @ Summer Breeze Festival - Dinkelsbuhl, Germany
08/14 @ Reload Festival - Sulingen, Germany
08/15 @ Astra w/Life of Agony - Berlin, Germany
09/18 @ Blue Ridge Rock Festival - Appomattox Park, VA
09/25 @ Podzemka - Novosibirsk, Russia
09/27 @ Tele Club - Yekaterinburg, Russia
09/29 @ Zvezda - Samara, Russia
10/01 @ Arena Hall - Krasnodar, Russia
10/03 @ Glavclub - Moscow, Russia
10/04 @ Cosmonavt - St. Pete, Russia

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Thank you for an amazing 2019

By Jason Lekberg

Thank you for an amazing 2019

It's genuinely difficult for us to put into words how unbelievable 2019 was for Static-X and our families.

Countless SOLD OUT SHOWS around the world filled with incredible Static-X fans celebrating our little debut record and honoring our dear friend / brother Wayne Wells.

We couldn't have imagined a more honorable, electrified, and healing experience. The amount of love and respect that we felt from all of you each night far exceeded our widest dreams.

There is no handbook or manual for how to go about doing what we did. We simply followed our hearts and our creative spirits and with the support of Waynes family and all of our fans, we were able to create something incredibly unique and memorable.

Our friend Wayne has never been more on the mind or in the hearts of our fans. We know that he would be absolutely blown away to see how much we all continue to love and miss him.

We would like to thank Waynes family for believing in us and for supporting our vision for how to best celebrate WDT and to memorialize Wayne each night with the Static-X fans around the globe.

We would like to also thank Xer0 for his unbelievable effort, humility and selfless commitment to Static-X, Wayne, and our fans over the last 18 months. His delivery was haunting at times and his professionalism and attention to detail was second to none.

We are incredibly excited to be back home so we can now finish up the recording and mixing for our new album "Project Regeneration", which will be released on May 29th, 2020.

We would like to thank each and every one of you for participating.
We will treasure these events in our hearts for the rest of our lives

Thank you all so much!
We will never forget!
Tony, Ken, Koichi, and of course Wayne

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STATIC-X announces new support for select dates of the final leg of their 20th Anniversary Wisconsin Death Trip Tour / Memorial to Wayne Static!

By Agile Collaborator

STATIC-X announces new support for select dates of the final leg of their 20th Anniversary Wisconsin Death Trip Tour / Memorial to Wayne Static!
In wake of the recent news that DevilDriver frontman Dez Fafaras wife, Anastasia Fafara, has been diagnosed with cancer, Devildriver has been forced to withdraw from the tour, so that Dez may remain home to care for her and his fa

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Thank you UK and Europe!

By Agile Collaborator

Thank you UK and Europe!

We had a wonderful time, up next is a tiny break followed by America! Thanks for everyone who made these shows possible!

#staticx #wisconsindeathtrip #waynestatic 

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STATIC-X Releases Video Teaser for New Song, "HOLLOW" & Announce Official Release Date with Updated Details for Long Awaited, 7th Studio Album, ‘PROJECT REGENERATION’

By Agile Collaborator

STATIC-X Releases Video Teaser for New Song, "HOLLOW" & Announce Official Release Date with Updated Details for Long Awaited, 7th Studio Album, ‘PROJECT REGENERATION’
STATIC-X has released a video teaser for their new song, "HOLLOW," off of their highly anticipated 7th studio album, PROJECT REGENERATION. The album is scheduled to release May 29, 2020 with all pre-ordered merchandise associated with the new album to begin shipping October 15th.

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